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The next regular Municipal General Election will take place on Monday, October 20, 2025.

The Nomination Period for the 2025 Municipal General Election is January 1, 2025 - 12:00 p.m. September 22, 2025 for the following offices:

  • Mayor - 1 Vacancy
  • Councillor - 6 Vacancies

Individuals interested in running for a vacant position in the Municipal Election are encouraged to review all the below information on running for office.

Individuals looking to file their Notice of Intent or Nomination Papers are invited to make an appointment with Chelsey Eklund, Returning Officer to ensure her availability.  For further information or to schedule an appointment, please contact Chelsey Eklund, Returning Officer at 780-842-3381 or  

Acts, Bylaws and Resources

Individuals interested in running for municipal office are encouraged to review and become familiar with the following Acts, Bylaws, and resources: 

Other Town of Wainwright Council Related Bylaws and Policies:

January 1, 2025 - Nomination Period Opens

September 22, 2025 (Until 12:00 p.m.) - Nomination Day

September 23, 2025 (Until 12:00 p.m.) - Close of Withdrawal Period

TBA - Advance Polls

October 20, 2025 - Election Day

October 24, 2025 - Declaration of Official Election Date Results

October 27, 2025 - Mandatory Orientation for Elected Officials

October 28, 2025 - Swearing in of Elected Officials and Organizational Meeting 

March 1, 2026 - Campaign Disclosure Statement Deadline

The Notice of Intent to Run process is new for the 2025 municipal election. An individual who intends to be nominated or has been nominated to run for election in a local jurisdiction as a candidate must file the Notice of Intent to Run form with the Returning Officer before accepting campaign contributions or incurring campaign expenses. Once the Returning Officer receives your completed form, your name will be added to the Register of Candidates on the Town’s website. 

The campaign period for the 2025 municipal election is October 31, 2024 until December 31, 2025.

Candidates must follow the election finance rules set out in Part 5.1 of the LAEA and the Expense Limits Regulation.

Where there is any changes to the information provided in the Notice of Intent to Run, the candidate must notify the Election's Office within 48 hours.

Is Submitting a Notice of Intent to Run the Same as Submitting Nomination Forms?

No. Submitting a Notice of Intent to Run is one step in the process and does not mean you have been nominated and will appear on the ballot.

Once a prospective candidate’s Notice of Intent to Run submission is complete and they are added to the Register of Candidates, they can accept campaign contributions and incur campaign expenses.

To become a nominated candidate and appear on the ballot, a candidate must also complete the nomination process during the Nomination Period from January 1 to 12:00 p.m. September 22, 2025.

Is a Deposit Required to File a Notice of Intent to Run?

No, a deposit is not required when filing a Notice of Intent to Run.

What is the Register of Candidates?

The Register of Candidates is a record of all candidates who have given notice to the Town of Wainwright's Returning Officer that they intend to seek nomination for office in the next general election, as required by the LAEA.  The Register of Candidates will be made available on the Town's website until December 31, 2025.

The nomination period for the 2025 general election will begin on January 1, 2025, and run until 12:00 p.m. on nomination day: Monday, September 22, 2025.

Candidate Eligibility

A person maybe nominated in any election under Section 21 of the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) if the person:

  • is eligible to vote in the election;
  • has resided in the municipality for six consecutive months immediately preceding nomination day; and
  • is not otherwise ineligible.

Candidate Ineligibility

A person is ineligible to be nominated as a candidate in any election under Section 22 of the LAEA if the person:

  • is the auditor of the Town of Wainwright;
  • is an employee of the Town of Wainwright, unless the person has taken a leave of absence;
  • is indebted to the municipality for taxes in default exceeding $50.00 (excluding indebtedness on current taxes, and indebtedness for arrears of taxes for which the person as entered into a consolidation agreement with the municipality);
  • is indebted to the local jurisdiction for any debt equaling or exceeding $500.00 and is in default for more than 90 days;
  • has, within the previous 10 years, been convicted of an offence under the LAEA, the Election Act, the Election Finances and Contributions Disclosure Act, or the Canada Elections Act (Canada);
  • is, on nomination day, employed by the Office of the Ombudsman, unless the person has taken a leave of absence. 

Under section 23.1 of the LAEA a candidate is disqualified and becomes ineligible to continue as a candidate if, on or after the day the candidate's nomination has been accepted, and on or before election day, the candidate is convicted of an offence punishable by imprisonment for five or more years, or under Sections 123, 124 or 125 of the Criminal Code (Canada) or uses or expends a contribution in contravention of Section 147.23.

Submitting your Nomination Form

Candidates who seek nomination for office must bring into the Town Office (1018 - 2 Avenue) the following:

The Returning Officer shall not accept the following for filing:

  • a nomination that is not completed in the prescribed form;
  • a nomination that is not signed by at least five electors required to sign the form;
  • a nomination that is not sworn or affirmed by the person nominated;
  • a nomination that is not accompanied with a criminal record check required by Bylaw 2024-13
  • a nomination that is not accompanied by the required deposit established by Bylaw 2024-13.

A candidate may withdrawal their nomination at any time during the nomination period of January 1 - September 22, 2025.  At any time within 24 hours after the close of the nomination period, if more than the required number of candidates for any particular office are nominated, a candidate may withdrawal by filing with the Returning Officer a withdrawal in writing.  

If, at the close of nominations, the number of nominations received equal the number required to be elected, the Returning Officer shall not accept withdrawals. 

Under Section 147.221 of the LAEA, a local jurisdiction must maintain a Register of Candidates that have given Notice of Intent to Run, and make the Register of Candidates publicly available on the Town's website until December 31, 2025.  Please note, that the list of candidates who have filed their nomination papers will not be made available until no later than 48 hours of the close of nomination day.


Name Office Nomination Papers 
Pugh, Bruce Mayor N/A
Challenger, William Councillor N/A


Voting Information

The next Municipal General Election will be held on Monday, October 20, 2025.  Information on voting locations, early voting, and eligible I.D. will be made available closer to the election day.

For any further information, please contact Chelsey Eklund, Returning Officer at 780-842-3381 or

Voter Eligibility

To be eligible to vote, an elector must be:

  • 18 years old;
  • A Canadian Citizen;
  • A resident in Alberta; and
  • The elector's place of residence must be located in the local jurisdiction on election day (Section 47 of the Local Authorities Election Act)

For more information please visit

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